Tuesday 3 August 2010

Time to get back in the White Moss Herb Garden

The lack of posts about the White Moss Garden reflects my lack of activity in White Moss Garden!
Our son's wedding in Essex on July 24 took us away for 5 days, and on return, the garden has taken a back seat.
I have done one thing though- I've replanted my hanging basket! It had been attacked by snails who had climbed the creeper on the front of White Moss House, Grasmere, launched themselves onto the trailing leaves from the hanging basket, and then munched through the petunias, leaving a gap in the middle of the basket.
Petunias now out, geraniums now in, and slug pellets liberally spread!
I've also taken the time to chop the sweet cicely right back. It will come again this year. Take a look here for more information on sweet cicely. It's a very useful herb for diabetics and others wanting to cut their sugar intake.

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